BlueEagle Datasheets

BlueEagle BWL Datasheet
TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: BlueEagle BWL- Blue Weapon Lube Product P/N 2021-66 Professional Duty Use - Firearm Lube (100% Aerospace Synthetic +400F)
BWL-Blue Weapon Lube (100% Aerospace Synthetic +400F) Product Information:
- BlueEagle BWL- Blue Weapon Lubricant is a unique and special product formulation which is a 100% Aerospace Synthetic product for Professional & Extreme Duty Use; based upon NATO S-761 with German Military Specification BW-OV1045 & TL-9150-12-325-9790 The original NATO S-761 was created for the toughest battlefield and aerospace requirements for both the German Leopard 2 Tank W/ 7.62 Full Auto Machine Gun&120mm Howitzer Cannon& Eurofighter Typhoon 27mm cannon.
- BWL- Blue Weapon Lubricant is the highest standard in weapon lubricant design with extreme temp. compared to Military or Civilian CLP with the highest flashpoint +400F (200C) & -65F (-54C).
- For a synthetic product to achieve this performance accomplishment; it must be a pure aerospace engineered synthetic material and nothing less. The BWL product is designed for land operations. BWL is designed beyond the original German Military performance design to include a special additive design; which both manages carbon and contamination during firearm / weapon system, while reducing friction upon moving parts where BWL is used; which promotes cooler temps.
- BlueEagle BWL- Proprietary Lubricant product. Formulated with advanced Bio Base and aerospace / synthetic chemistry. Universal for gun barrel bore & mechanical parts with aerospace lubricant provides; high temperature durability, cold /sub-zero operation temperatures, reduced friction & long-lasting features. Stay-ability upon surfaces with cleaner weapon performance (greatly reducing carbon, nitrite, residue particles & micro-dirt attraction). Increases overall component life cycles. Hot weather durability. NEEDS FOR A HI- PERFORMANCE AEROSPACE DESIGN FIREARM LUBE.
Applications & Use:
- BWL – Blue Weapon Lube: Universal for multiple related: Pistol, Rifle & Shot Gun
Environmental & User SAFE Product
- FULFILLS TOXICOLOGY REQUIREMENTS as issued by USAPH (US Army Public Health Center)
- FULFILLS DoD SSPP – Department of Defense Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan regarding goals, initiatives & requirements for the replacement of “Chemicals of Concern”.
- NOTE: Always wash your hands using COLD water with soap and water.
CLP Specifications. Equal to DoD Qualification Testing vs. BWL- NATO-761 / German Mil Specification
ODS - No Ozone Depleting Substances - PASS
Toxicity and hazardous materials - Cleared by US Army of Public Health - PASS
Color and appearance - Uniform in color and appearance - PASS
MIL SPEC OR ASTM TEST CLP Qualification Spec BWL NATO 761 German Mil
Flash Point ASTM D92 65°C (+149 °F) 200°C (+400 °F) - PASS
Pour Point ASTM D97 -59 °C (-74 °F) -60°C ( - 65°F) - PASS
Viscosity@+40C(104F) ASTM D445 14.0 cSt 17.0 cSt - PASS
Viscosity@100C(210F) ASTM D445 5.0 cSt 6.25cSt - PASS
Viscosity@ -40C(-40F) ASTM D445 5000 cSt 2200 cSt - PASS
Viscosity Index NA 181 VI - PASS
Wear Prevention (3runs) ASTM D4172 Max 0.8 max 3X AVG- 0.7 - PASS
Load Carry Capacity 3min V-Block 575 lbs 600 lbs - PASS
Aluminum Submersion ASTM B209 0.2 mg/cm2 (or less) No Change mg/cm - PASS
Steel Submersion ASTM A109 0.2 mg/cm2 (or less) No Change mg/cm - PASS
Zinc Submersion MIL-DTL-18001 1.5 mg/cm2 (or more) No Change mg/cm - PASS
Plastic Submersion MIL 0.0 mg/cm2 (or less) No Change mg/cm - PASS
Copper Submersion ASTM B152 1.5 mg/cm2 (or less) No Change mg/cm - PASS
Magnesium Sub. AMS 4376 0.5 mg/cm2 (or less) No Change mg/cm - PASS
Brass Submersion ASTM B16 1.0 mg/cm2 (or less) No Change mg/cm - PASS
Cadmium Submersion A-A-51126 1.5 mg/cm2 (or less) No Change mg/cm - PASS
Water Displace/Stability MIL 3.4.2 3 Panels clean 3 Panels Clean - PASS
Evap Loss 22H @ 100C ASTM D-972 5.0% Max Loss No Loss / Change - PASS
Freezing MIL No Fluid separation No Fluid Separation - PASS
Heating MIL No Fluid separation No Fluid Separation - PASS
Chemical Detection Paper NO discolor NO DISCOLOR - PASS